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How To Use A Crisis To Reinvent Yourself

How do you cope in a crisis? Do you see it as a problem or as an opportunity?

The crisis is defined as a profound change with important consequences in a process or situation.

It is characterized by generating uncertainty, instability and political, social, economic danger, etc.

But the question now is: does a crisis always result in something bad?

The greatest revolutions of humanity began as crises.

Albert Einstein, one of the greatest geniuses that humanity has had, said that:

“The crisis is necessary for humanity to advance. Only in moments of crisis do great minds emerge. ” -Albert Einstein

Einstein considered the crisis to be one of the greatest blessings of people and nations because the crisis brings progress:

“Creativity is born from anguish as the day is born from the dark night. It is in the crisis that inventiveness, discoveries and great strategies emerge. Whoever overcomes the crisis overcomes himself without being overcome. Whoever attributes his failures and difficulties to the crisis, violates his own talent by giving more value to problems than to solutions. The real crisis is the crisis of incompetence. The disadvantage of people and countries is laziness in finding solutions and solutions ”. -Albert Einstein

An example of a current startup that you have probably already heard, and that arose from the economic crisis faced by its founders, was Airbnb .

In 2008, two design students, Brian and Joe, realized that they could not pay the rent for their apartment and that week a well-known design fair was held in San Francisco and all the hotels in the city were already occupied. .

So the two twenty-somethings went on the spotlight and they decided to make a website to advertise some inflatable beds that they bought and placed in their spare space in their apartment. Thus they were able to cover their income and found one of the most recognized technology startups in the world.

It is for this reason that the name “Air bed and breakfast” or its better known version “Airbnb” refers precisely to these air beds. Little by little, firms and accelerators invested in his project in order to perfect and scale the model to what we know today.

The impressive thing is that its founders, when faced with the crisis of not being able to pay their rent, had two options: letting themselves be overcome by the situation or taking advantage of the crisis to create something out of the ordinary, which in addition to solving their main problem, catapulted them into a unprecedented success.

David Montalvo, speaker, business trainer and inspirational author said it better than anyone:

“Crises are opportunities in disguise. They drive you or they stake you. It’s up to you.” –David Montalvo

If you want to take advantage of the crisis to reinvent yourself, the first thing you should do is take responsibility and know that you are the owner of that decision: you decide if the crisis drives you or stagnates you. Nobody else.

When you are faced with a crisis, do not ask yourself “why me?”, But rather “why me?”

Look at her head on and ask her:

  • What do you mean?
  • What do you want to teach me?
  • How am I going to reinvent myself?
  • Crises always bring a message, if we learn to listen to it.

They always come with an opportunity, if we learn to detect it.

They always make us grow as people, if we learn to overcome them.

This image stages it beautifully:

One lady sees a stone on the road while the other sees that same stone as the bridge that will take her to the other side of her dreams.

The stone is the same, but each one chose from which perspective to see it and what they would do with it.

If you choose to be a victim of circumstances, that is what you are going to be: a victim of your circumstances and they will dominate you.

But, if on the other hand, you take a proactive role and put your imagination, ingenuity and creativity to work, then now YOU control the crisis!

Einstein already said it: crises are especially good for unleashing inventiveness. But have you ever wondered why?

It is because when you are experiencing any type of crisis the message is very clear: if you want a different reality, you cannot continue doing the same.

So, it makes you have to get out of your comfort zone in order to find an extraordinary solution that in an ordinary state, you would never have reached.

They say, as a joke, that necessity works wonders. Something like this happens with the crisis, when human beings hit bottom they know that to get out of that well it will not be enough to just jump a little and that they need to think outside the box and reinvent themselves.

The crisis leads you to a re-encounter with yourself, it challenges you and it challenges you by saying to yourself: who will be more powerful: you or me?

All the things that are really worth it are right there, on the other side of fear .

And at the end of the day, what makes you stronger and more capable is not the victories, but the battles you fought.

Don’t be afraid of the crisis. Face it! And show him that you can create a work of art in the middle of disaster


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Hi, my name is Erica Jacquline and I've been involved blogging for a number of sites in recent years. This blog however, is mine. Initially I started this site as a hobby, but it has since started to make me some money and I am now pursuing this by creating content that is educational in all aspects of life. Enjoy!

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Erica Jacquline